What’s your sticking point?
Have you ever felt stuck? As you can see from the photo, I definitely have! To be honest, my father pushed me in that bucket to take the photo, maybe you have someone in your life who pushes you, so you feel stuck as well?!
My clients are often feeling stuck when they arrive. Feeling stuck is just a way of the mind expressing that it isn’t happy. Stuck is just the feeling that is presented, so what can we do about it?
Facing my fears
This is a story which is somewhat humiliating and yet also the opposite because I’m so damn proud of myself!
I was on holiday in Norway with old friends who live there. Every few years we get together and do activities. Norway, with its beautiful mountains and outdoor attitude, entices these things unlike my Cambridge home which is flat, landlocked doesn’t do a lot of outdoor enticing. I am not outdoorsy, but currently unfit, chubby, and pasty pale. I’m not just pale, I’m that blue colour that slightly hypothermic people go.
How and why did zombies keep me awake last night?
I hesitated to write this because on the surface it’s hilarious and humiliating, but if by being vulnerable I can help you have a giggle and learn something, it’s a fair swap. On one level this is very funny, it’s just that at 3.45am when you are tired… it’s not.
A bit of background. I don’t like horror films, or in fact any film where anything scary happens, I think my fear reflex is probably around a PG, pushing to a 12A and a 15 is a challenge!
Why Star Trek gave me my values
‘Make it so number one’ spoken by Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise, is a phrase captured in my head, having heard Picard say it thousands of times. My mother didn’t have great mental health, but she had good taste in TV.
Being ‘taught at home’ (I use speech marks because I never really was) meant that I got my education from TV, copious amounts of books, and random visits to churches, floods, and whatever else took my mother’s fancy each day. Unfortunately, this meant that I didn’t know what the English flag was by the age of 23, but I do now, and it never really held me back.
Where are all the men?
I have many male friends, colleagues and clients. I feel a deep empathy for men as they don’t seem to have their own space in the world anymore. There’s no room for their masculinity to be seen positively. Masculinity seems to have been tied to physical strength which gets tied to violence, or if you are into the gym, you are a himbo. If a women goes to the gym, she is empowering and enabling herself, getting in the feminine strength zone, taking me time, it’s all very positive. Men in the gym are preening, over confident and physically - slightly threatening. I’ve never heard anyone say to a man, well done for taking time out and empowering yourself.
Why your brain is like a computer and anxiety (or anything else) really isn't your fault!
We need to take responsibility for our own actions, but understanding how your own brain is busy tripping you up can be useful. Throughout my life, I have had many things that I didn’t like about myself, but my anger was the main one. I used to get so angry, full-blown tantrum. It took quite a lot to trigger me but then, as a friend described it, I could go ‘naught to nuclear’ in a split second.
Why I don't mind that today is a stressful, rubbish day...
Ever have a day where everything goes wrong, or nothing goes wrong, but you are just in a foul mood? That's today for me. Don't show me positive quotes, don't tell me to re-frame or any other helpful techniques I teach clients, it won't work, not today. And you know what? That's just fine.
Whether it's hormones, relationships, lack of sleep or, well, anything else I can blame that means I can pretend to have no responsibility, it actually doesn't matter. It will pass.
How to enjoy being alone
I’m off on holiday soon, but before I go I’m spending this weekend, completely alone. Something I would have avoided a few years ago. So how did I move from hating being alone, to loving it?
I learnt to like myself.
Being alone is a big problem for a lot of people. They feel lost. Many create a world where noise is constant and use music or TV to get to sleep. Why? So they don’t have to listen to that voice in their heads filled with self-doubt.
If you are too busy to read this, you definitely should.
Are you stressed out, rushing from one thing to another, feeling the pressure but feeling you can’t stop because something will fail or not get done or someone else is relying on you?
Most of us spend our time rushing from one thing to the next. Life seems to be a continuous to-do list and we never get most of it done. The problem is, you’re wasting your own time living like this…
You’re already skim-reading this article, aren’t you?
Are you scared? If so, what of?
Fear is such an emotive word and we apply it to so many different situations and yet, we never lose context. Fear of threat - terrorism for example, fear of failure, fear of crime, fear of challenge, fear of change, fear of the future. We can place the word fear in front of almost anything and make it a ‘thing’ to fear. My ex-husband has a fear of clowns – in other words, a phobia, the word phobia is derived from the word fear.
Why it's what's under the suit that counts. Lessons from Iron Man
In the trailer for ‘Spiderman: Homecoming’, ‘Spider Boy’ – You can tell I wasn’t paying attention in the beginning because I have no idea what his name is… messes something up, millions of people could have been killed, but aren’t. You know, the usual superhero learning lesson scenario. The result is that Tony Stark aka Iron Man takes away, *gasp*, his spider suit...
I’m full, of mindfull..ness
Do you remember the year the, ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ sign came out? We all chuckled about how and where it was used. It was everywhere: mugs, posters, and even on a pair of knickers – that’s where ‘keep calm and carry on’ changed its meaning! Unless you have been living in a time capsule, you will have noticed the bombardment of the ‘mindful’ culture: books, toys, apps, classes and even our beloved Ladybird books doing a satirist take of mindful books – which is brilliant I might add...
How to train your decision making gremlins!
Do you often say you make decisions from your gut? If so, that’s a problem. Your gut instinct is actually your subconscious mind making a series of interpretations based on your emotional baggage until it feels it has gathered enough evidence to label it as a feeling and create a chemical response - in your gut. Hey presto! Based on that feeling, you make a decision. I’d like to say this has worked for me and I’ve led a faultless life, but unfortunately, it hasn’t...
Parent versus Professional, the continuing struggle for balance!
Last night I stood poking holes through my living room ceiling with a roasting fork, while water poured on my head and into a series of bowls and buckets. I realised that flooding my bathroom was entirely my own fault. The fact is that so many of us spend most of our days, NOT calm and under A LOT of pressure and we make poor decisions, sometimes these decisions don’t matter too much and sometimes they rain a deluge of consequences upon us.
What keeps you present in your life?
To keep me present in all areas of my life I have a slightly macabre mantra. ‘If I died to tonight, would I be happy with what I did today?’ …